Poetry Friday: When the Muse Speaks…

The Arts, Poetry - Alphonse Maria Mucha

The Arts- Poetry by Alphonse Maria Mucha

I am one of those types of writers where lines of dialogue, plot points, and answers to writing dilemmas come to me quite frequently in the shower, of all places. It can be very inconvenient trying to grab a piece of paper and a pen while dripping wet in a towel, but I will take those ideas where I can and hang on to them for dear life!  Many ideas have ended up written down on the back of receipts, since that was the only paper that I could find.  I should know better and keep a notebook handy in the bathroom, but still I don’t.

In honor of my muse speaking to me in the shower this week, I have dedicated Poetry Friday to this poem about getting inspiration called, “The Poet’s Thought,” by Lucy Maude Montgomery (yes, that Lucy Maud Montgomery, writer of the beloved Anne of Green Gables.)

So hang on to those ideas that come to you in the shower, in the middle of the night, while driving your kids to school or soccer practice, while walking your dog, when working out, while making dinner, while talking to your mother on the phone, or wherever and whenever they may come to you and remember that they are a gift that should be cherished like the “jewels” they are.


The Poet’s Thought

by Lucy Maud Montgomery

    It came to him in rainbow dreams,
    Blent with the wisdom of the sages,
    Of spirit and of passion born;
    In words as lucent as the morn
    He prisoned it, and now it gleams
    A jewel shining through the ages.


This week’s Poetry Friday is being hosted by The Small Nouns.  Check it out and Happy Reading!

2 Responses to “Poetry Friday: When the Muse Speaks…”

  1. 1 Ben C March 5, 2011 at 8:11 pm

    Lucy Maud Montgomery was a wonderful poet. Thanks for sharing this. It’s so hard to find any of her poems online for some reason.

    Keep finding inspiration, no matter where it strikes!

  2. 2 Kerry Aradhya March 6, 2011 at 10:18 am

    Hi, Nicole. I really like the soft nature of this poem, which captures perfectly the “capturing of the muse.” I always find it mysterious how ideas come to me as well. I never know when my muse is going to appear, but I try to listen to it when it does!

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"I am not at all in a humor for writing; I must write on till I am."- Jane Austen

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